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- Dena Bank PO Recruitment 2010-2011 Notification, Eligibility, Forms
- LIC DSE Exam Pattern, Books and Sample Papers
- ICICI PO Exam Pattern, Books and with Sample papers
- SSC JE 2011 Exam form, Notification and Eligibility
- ATMA Exam pattern, Sample Papers & Books
- Staff postions in Gautam Budh University bank jobs,govt jobs
- Manager Technical vacancy in Reserve Bank
- “PERSISTENT SYSTEMS” walk ins : JAVA, J2EE : Mumbai / Nagpur : On 22, 23 Jan 2011
- “POLARIS” : Oracle PLSQL : Hyderabad / Chennai :Walk-In Jan 2011
- Assam University Jobs of Faculty and Non-Faculty govt jobs
Dena Bank PO Recruitment 2010-2011 Notification, Eligibility, Forms Posted: 19 Jan 2011 07:52 AM PST Dena Bank is on a recruiting spree – while it had notified for recruitment of 250 clerical positions on 2nd of this month, just yesterday it has also issued another recruitment notification for 100 PO (Probationary Officer) positions along with 352 Specialist Officers. Written exam for the PO positions would be held on 27.02.2011 while for mid-level and junior-level Specialist Officers, the written exam would be held on 20.02.2011. Online application starts on 07.12.2010 and the last date to apply for these Dena Bank PO & Specialist Officer positions is 28.12.2010. If you are interested to apply for these positions, Click here to download the Dena Bank PO & Specialist Officer Recruitment Notification 2010-2011. This blog post sums up the Dena Bank notification (with special focus on PO positions) as well as archives the same for future Dena Bank examinees (say for Dena Bank PO Recruitment 2011-2012), so that they can know what are the eligibilities & how to apply for these PO vacancies. Another blog post titled: Dena Bank PO Exam Pattern, Sample Papers & Books helps you prepare for the exam. But before we go further, let us know Dena Bank as an organisation. What is Dena Bank: Dena Bank is one of the earliest banks in India. It was founded on 26th May, 1938 by the family of Devkaran Nanjee under the name Devkaran Nanjee Banking Company Ltd). It was incorporated in Dec 1939 as Dena Bank Ltd and than nationalised in July 1969 along with 13 other banks in India. It is one of the most prestigious banks of India and have clocked over 8% growth consecutively for three years with the growth for the year 2006-07 being estimated at 9.20%. Source You can find the post-wise Officer vacancy positions in Dena Bank as shown below: ![]() As you can see above, written exam would be held for only the positions shown shaded blue and green. For the remaining positions, the selection process would consist of Interview only. You can find the category-wise break up of above vacancies in the notification. Dena Bank Salary for Probationary Officer: Dena Bank is offering salaries in following pay-scale for the POpositions: Rs. 14500 – 600/7 -18700 – 700/2 – 20100 – 800/7 – 25700. Dena Bank PO Eligibilities: Age eligibilities (as on 01.12.2010): Minimum: 21 years, Maximum: 30 Years. Educational eligibilities (as on 01.12.2010) A Degree from a recognised University/Diploma in Banking & Finance by IIBF or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Government of India, with minimum 55% marks. (For SC/ST 50% marks) OR Master Degree/Post Graduate Degree/Diploma having 2 years full time course with minimum 55% marks (For SC/ST 50% marks).. Important Dates for Dena Bank PO Exam 2010-2011 : Dates of Submission of Dena Bank PO exam online form: Submission of online form starts on: 07.12.2010 Submission of online form ends (website closure) on: 28.12.2010. Date of Dena Bank PO Written exam 2011: 27.02.2011. Dena Bank PO Recruitment 2010-2011 Forms: You can apply to Dena Bank PO Exam only online! But before you go on to apply online, you should pay the Dena Bank PO Exam application fee which is – Rs. 400/= for GEN / OBC / Ex-Servicemen and Rs. 50/= for SC/ST/PD. In addition to above (recruitment fee payment details), you also need to have a valid e-mail id, as Dena Bank would communicate with you for any correspondence in this e-mail id only. If you have these two things ready, you are ready to apply for Dena Bank PO Exam. The Online form would be displayed only in between 7th December 2010 to 28th December 2010. How to apply online for Dena Bank PO Recruitment 2010-2011 has been given very clearly in section “16. HOW TO APPLY” in page-15-16 of the notification. Dena Bank Call letter/Admit Card: Dena Bank would send your written exam Call Letter in your e-mail id & also through SMS. Also information regarding contact details of whom to contact in case you have difficulty receiving the call letter would be displayed in this website from 21.02.2011. Hope with above information you would be able to apply confidently for the exam. But how to prepare for Dena Bank PO Exam? My next blog post gives you the study materials for Dena Bank PO Exam – with exam pattern, Sample Papers & Books to help you prepare for the exam. Please visit the same! Related download ssc je exam 2011 form |
LIC DSE Exam Pattern, Books and Sample Papers Posted: 19 Jan 2011 07:52 AM PST This blog post has been made as a follow up blog article to my previous post tiled: LIC DSE Job 2011 Notification Eligibility Forms, which tells you what are the eligibilities required to get a job as LIC Direct Sales Executive, where to find those DSE job notifications and application forms and how to apply for the same. Once you make up your mind to get a LIC Direct Sales Executive job, next question that hits you is: how to prepare for the LIC DSE job exam? Where to find those sample papers? What book to study? These are the questions I would like to answer through this blog post to help you prepare for the exam. In the beginning only let me tell you that online prep materials in the net for LIC DSE exam is very scarce, almost non-existent. So I am trying to point you to the resources available for similar recruitment exams, for which some good materials are available. First let us know what is the pattern of LIC DSE Exam. LIC in its job notification has not said much about the pattern of Direct Sales Executives written test except that it consists of Objective Type questions from following four test sections: 1. Sales aptitude. 2. Test of Reasoning. 3. Numerical Ability. 4. General Knowledge. This exam pattern is very similar to ones for Bank PO exams and hence you can base your preparation on Bank PO exams. Online Sample Papers for LIC DSE Exam: Since no material is available on the net for LIC DSE exam, following sample/previous years papers of Bank PO exams should definitely help:
Sample Papers for LIC Reasoning Test: Also go through my blog article: Test of Reasoning: Sample Question papers & Books, which tells you what is test of reasoning in depth and points you to the sample papers and books to prepare for the same.
Sample Papers for LIC Numerical Aptitude Test:
Sample Papers for LIC General Awareness test:
Sample Papers for LIC Sales Aptitude Test: I could not find any Online sample paper for Aptitude test, but following papaer on marketing aptitude can be an eye-opener. You can also use following book to prepare for this test: List Price: Rs.80 List Price: Rs.80 As told earlier, these online sample papers were not specific to LIC DSE exams – you can just have an idea on what are these exam sections and what sort of questions are asked. Hence you can use the books below for a thorough preparation for LIC Direct Sales Executives exam. Prep Books for LIC DSE Exam: I found following books on the net for LIC DSE exam which should help you prepare for this exam in depth. These books are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below, from which offers huge discounts upto 25%, apart from free shipping/postage in India if the order exceeds Rs. 100/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through "Cash-on-Delivery" i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep: List Price: Rs. 170, Offer Price: Rs. 170. List Price: Rs. 170, Offer Price: Rs.136, Discount: Rs. 34 (20%) List Price: Rs.195, Offer Price: Rs. 195 Hope above sample papers and books helps you to prepare for LIC Direct Sales Executive Exam. I would be on the lookout for more study materials on this LIC exam and post them here as and when I sopt them. So keep visiting me. Best wishes! |
ICICI PO Exam Pattern, Books and with Sample papers Posted: 19 Jan 2011 07:51 AM PST ICICI has been conducting Probationary Officer (PO) Programme in association with Manipal University twice every year for last 3 years and has just issued the ICICI PO Recruitment notification for its May 2011 Batch. More about this ICICI notification along with the eligibilities required and how to apply for the same can be found from my previous blog post titled: ICICI Bank PO Exam May 2011 Notification, Eligibility & Forms. The focus of this blog post is on providing you the study materials for ICICI PO exam – starting with pattern of ICICI PO Exam and than sources of sample papers and books. It would also go on to give you the tips required for succeeding in ICICI GD with GD topics as well as ICICI Interview. The study materials provided in this blog had helped a number of candidates to qualify in previous ICICI PO exam as can be seen from a sample feedback below: ICICI PO selection process consists of following stages: 1.0 Aptitude Test (Written). 2.0 Group Discussion (also called as Group Task). 3.0 Psychometric Profiling. 4.0 Interview. ICICI PO exam Written Aptitude Test Pattern: ICICI Written test consists of following sections: Section 1: Verbal Reasoning (30 Questions in 10 Mins) Analogy, Comprehension Section 2: Numerical Reasoning (20 Questions in 30 Mins) Section 3: Figurative Questions (20 Questions in10 Mins) Section 4: Logical Reasoning (25 Questions in 20 Mins) Data Interpretation in 10 Questions Data sufficiency in 15 Questions. This pattern may vary with the actual question sets you may find and is given just to give you an idea, based on previous ICICI PO exams. ICICI PO Exam Sample Papers: You must be searching for some ICICI Sample papers to base your preparation for the PO exam and I am not going to dishearten you. ICICI PO Sample papers from ICICI website: At first, download this online sample question paper for ICICI PO exam from ICICI website, which gives you a very good idea about what kind of questions comes. This sample paper gives you following number questions mentioned against each section: Reading comprehension:2 Sentence completion:4 Numerical: Sufficiency:3 Numerical: arithmetic:3 Numerical: Data Interpretation:3 Logical: Diagrammatic: 3 Logical: Venn diagrams:4 Logical: working with data:2 After going through this same, you can find more online ICICI PO sample questions from following website: Test of Reasoning Sample Papers from Career Quips: You could find from the ICICI PO written test pattern that maximum question comes from the Test of reasoning (Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Diagrammatic Reasoning). What is Test of reasoning and what sort of questions are asked? question.html”>Visit this blog postto know about the same and download Tes Bank PO Sample Papers from Competition Master: Competition Master is a very good website for Bank PO exams. Click here to find one such paper of Andhra Bank PO exam – Test of Reasoning. . Books for ICICI PO Exam: Following books are the most sought after books for test of reasoning (Verbal, Numerical, Figurative & Logical) and are hence recommended for preparation for Aptitude test of ICICI PO exam.
These books are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below, from which offers huge discounts up to 25%, apart from free shipping/postage in India. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through "Cash-on-Delivery" i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep: A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal Publisher:S. Chand List Price: Rs. 625; Offer Price: Rs. 469; Discount: Rs. 156 (25%) A Modern Approach To Non Verbal Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal Publisher:S. Chand List Price: Rs. 275 Advanced Non Verbal Reasoning (Hindi) by R. S. Aggarwal Publisher:S. Chand List Price: Rs. 135 A Modern Approach To Logical Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal Publisher:S. Chand List Price: Rs. 125 An Advanced Approach To Data Interpretation by R. S. Aggarwal Publisher:S. Chand Rs. 99 A Modern Approach To Verbal Reasoning (Fully Solved) by R. S. Agarawal Publisher:S. Chand Rs. 390
Group Discussion (GD) topics for ICICI PO Exam: GD topics of ICICI generally is of Case Study types.. Interview Questions for ICICI PO Exam: Some ICICI Interview questions have also been posted in the following link: This post gives you the exam experiences of one of the ICICI PO examinee who qualified the exam and is now in ICICI Academy. Psychometric Profiling Test for ICICI: No special preparation is needed for the Psychometric Test as it is conducted after selecting. However you need to know what is it and how to appear in the test. An exhaustive note on Psychometric Test is given in this blogs That’s it! With above study materials for ICICI PO exam, I hope you would crack the exam easily. Although these materials were posted for ICICI PO 2011 exam, the same can also be used as study materials for ICICI PO 2012/2013 exam Sample Papers & Books. I would keep posting more info about the exam in future, so keep visiting this site! |
SSC JE 2011 Exam form, Notification and Eligibility Posted: 19 Jan 2011 07:51 AM PST SSC (Staff Selection Commission) JE (Junior Engineers) Exam for the year 2011 notification has come out on 1st January, 2011 – last date for applying is 31.01.2011 and SSC JE Exam 2011 would be conducted on 20.03.2011 (Sunday). Click here to download Notification for SSC JE 2011 Exam. At first, let us begin that by knowing what is SSC JE Exam. What is SSC JE Exam: Staff Selection Commission is a cousin of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and it conducts various recruitment exams for Group "B" & "C" posts in the various Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India and the attached/subordinate offices. SSC conducts the Junior Engineers (Civil & Electrical) exam every year in the month of March/April for recruitment of Junior Engineers in CPWD (Central Public Works Department) and MES (Military Engineer Services). You can know more about SSC from this SSC JE Salary: Salary being offered for these Junior Engineer positions is Rs.9300-34800 plus grade pay of Rs.4200. SSC JE Vacanices: Staff Selection Commission decides upon the number of vacancies to be filled only later and number of vacancies is not given at the notification stage. However you can have an idea about number of SSC JE vacancies from the following latest data of positions filled through SSC JE Exam 2008: JE(Civil)-CPWD:238 JE(Civil)-MES:305 JE(Elect)-CPWD:26 JE(Elect)-MES: 211 SSC JE Exam Eligibility: Age Eligibility: Min: 18 years, Max.: 27 years as on 31.01.2011. Age relaxations exist as per Govt. rule. Academic qualification Eligibility: Minimum diploma in Civil or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification from a recognized institute. SSC JE Exam Selection Process: The selection procedure consists of a 500 mark Written test followed by a 100 mark Interview. Details about the SSC JE Exam selection process can be found SSC CPWD JE Exam: Sample Papers, Books & Exam Pattern analysis. SSC JE Exam 2011 Notification Dates: Date of exam notification: 01.01.2011. Last date of application for SSC JE Exam 2011: 31.01.2011. Date of SSC JE Exam 2011 (Written): 20.03.2010 (Sunday). Dates for SSC JE Exam 2012/2013: For those of you who are appearing in future SSC JE Exams, you would definitely like to know when SSC JE Exam 2012 would be held. You can find the notification and exam dates for SSC JE Exam 2012 from the following date trend analysis of exam dates of last four SSC JE exams: As you can find from above, notification of SSC JE Exam 2012 should come out by 3rd/4th Saturday of December 2011 – most probably on 24th or 31st December (Saturday). The notification would always come out on the Saturdays, as the same is published in Employment News (which comes out in Saturdays). Last date of application is about a month from the date of notification while the written exam is held on Sundays of March end/April beginning. You can also guess the notification/exam dates of SSC JE Exam 2013 accordingly, based on which you can make your preparations. SSC JE Exam 2011 Form/How to apply: Click here to download the SSC JE Exam 2011 Form. Also how to fill the SSC JE Exam Form is given clearly in the notification. SSC JE Exam fee for Women/SC/ST/PH/EXS category candidate is nil. But if you do not belong to these categories, you need to pay the exam fee of Rs. 100/= as "Central Recruitment Fee Stamps", available at all post offices. After filling the SSC JE Exam Form, send it to one of the nine SSC regional centers as convenient to you, given in the notification. SSC JE Exam Call letter/ Duplicate Call letter: SSC is going to send you the call letter (termed as Admission Certificates (AC) by SSC) for written exam two weeks prior to the exam and if you do not receive the same within one week prior to exam, for issue of duplicate call letter, contact the concerned regional office where you submitted your application with proof of submission of your application. Hope above information on SSC JE Exam 2011 Notification has helped in knowing about the exam and how to apply for the same. |
ATMA Exam pattern, Sample Papers & Books Posted: 19 Jan 2011 07:38 AM PST This blog post follows my earlier blog post titled: ATMA 2011 Exam Notification, Eligibility & Forms, which introduces you to this management entrance exam and tells you when to expect exam notification, the ATMA eligibilities and how to apply for the same. The focus of this blog post is on how to prepare for ATMA: It would give you the exam pattern of ATMA and also sources of online sample papers and books for ATMA exam.
ATMA exam contains 170 Objective type questions to be answered in 180 minutes (3 hours). There are 6 sections from three test areas (two sections per test area): Analytical Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Verbal skills. Number of questions per ATMA exam sections along with time allotted can be found from following ATMA exam structure: As you can find from above ATMA Exam pattern, number of questions is less in Verbal skills test area (50 questions to be answered in 60 minutes), compared to Analytical Reasoning Skills (60), Quantitative Skills (60). Therefore, you have roughly 1 minute approximately to answer each question. Also, you are not allowed to go back/forward to any other section, other than the section for which time has been set. That is, for instance, after expiry of first 30 minutes till next 30 minutes, you have to answer Section-II (Verbal skills) only. You can not go back to Analytical Reasoning section or forward to Quantitative section. However within a given section, you can answer the questions randomly and can come back to any previously un-answered question. Out of four answer choices, you have to darken the corresponding oval of the best answer with an HB pencil (and not pen) in the OMR answer sheet.
There is negative marking in ATMA exam: 1/3rd (i.e. 0.33) mark would be deducted for each wrong answer, including if you choose multiple answers for a particular question. Question types in ATMA Exam sections: ATMA tests three of your skills: Analytical Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Skills, Verbal Skills. What skills are looked at in these tests? ATMA Questions on Analytical Reasoning Skills tests your logical thinking ability. You need to analyse the situations on which each question is based and then select the most appropriate answer. ATMA Quantitative Skills Questions measure your ability to reason Quantitatively, solve Quantitative problems, and interpret graphic data. Type of questions in Quantitative section includes Problem-Solving & Data Sufficiency questions, for which you need to have basic knowledge of Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. ATMA Verbal Skills sections measure your ability to read and comprehend written material in English language, to reason and evaluate arguments, and to correct written material to conform standard written English. Type of question in ATMA Verbal section includes:
1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence Correction
3. Vocabulary – antonyms, synonyms, analogies – your ability to recognize relationships among words and concepts, parallel relationships, etc.
4. Sentence completions – your ability to recognize words or phrases that both logically and stylistically complete the meaning of a sentence.
ATMA Exam Sample Papers: You must be searching for those free online ATMA exam sample/model papers and this section gives you the sources of online papers for ATMA exam. The first place to check out the ATMA sample question paper is from the ATMA website, which gives you 100 sample questions, to be answered in 105 minutes. The questions in this ATMA sample test has been compiled from previous years solved actual ATMA test papers, since from ATMA-2000. Other than above sample paper, I could not find any good quality online sample paper for ATMA, excepting this paper on ATMA Verbal section of TCYOnline. However, the same needs free user registration. You can also check the other MBA papers from TCYOnline through this link.
ATMA Exam Books: I could not find any books specifically published for ATMA test. However, since the sections of ATMA & MAT are similar (with both having the three test sections: Analytical Reasoning, Quantitative & Verbal), I am sure these books on MAT is going to be of help. ![]() These books are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below, from which offers hugediscounts upto 25%, apart from free shipping/postage in India if the order exceeds Rs. 100/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through "Cash-on-Delivery" i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep: TMH Study Package For Management Aptitude Test (MAT) by Sharma & Arun (Publisher: Tata Mgraw Hill) List Price: Rs. 425, Our Price:Rs. 378, Discount:Rs. 47 (11%) List Price:Rs. 290, Our Price:Rs. 273, Discount:Rs. 17 (6%) MAT Solved Papers (Management Aptitude Test) With Practice CD by G. K. Publishers List Price: Rs. 195, Our Price: Rs. 195 Kaplan MAT (Publisher: Kaplan Publishing) List Price: Rs. 972, Our Price: Rs. 719, Discount: Rs. 253 (26%) The Pearson MAT Super Course by Time (Publisher: Pearson) List Price: Rs. 499, Our Price: Rs. 474, Discount: Rs. 25 (5%) MAT Entrance Exam Guide by RPH (Publisher: Ramesh) List Price: Rs.395, Our Price: Rs.356, Discount: Rs.39 (10%) MAT (Management Aptitude Test) Entrance Exams with CD by Mittal (Publisher: G. K.) List Price: Rs. 350, Our Price: Rs. 315, Discount: Rs. 35 (10%) List Price: Rs. 295, Our Price: Rs. 277, Discount: Rs. 18 (6%) Hope with above study materials on ATMA test you would be able to appear and do well in ATMA test confidently. I would be on the look-out for more study materials for ATMA exam: Sample Papers & Books and would post the same as and when I spot them. Please keep visiting this blog!
Staff postions in Gautam Budh University bank jobs,govt jobs Posted: 19 Jan 2011 06:16 AM PST Gautam Buddha University (GBU)
Manager Technical vacancy in Reserve Bank Posted: 19 Jan 2011 06:08 AM PST Post published by BS for Applications are invited from Indian Citizens and certain other categories of persons for appointments to the following posts. The details of the posts are as follows :
Age : 35 years as on 01/01/2011. Pay Scale : Rs. 21000-36400 applicable to Officers in Grade B. Application Fee : Rs.100/- (No fee is payable by SC/ST/OH/HI candidates) payable by Demand Draft favouring Reserve Bank of India and payable at Mumbai only. Candidates should write their Name and Address on the reverse of the Demand Draft. How to Apply : Online – : Apply Online at RBI Online website only upto 21/02/2011. Offline - : Applications in the prescribed format and completd in all respect to be sent to General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Post Bag No. 4618, Mumbai Central Post Office, Mumbal-400008 by ordinary post. Last date for receipt of offilen application is upto 28/02/2011. The further detail can be had from the RBI website at |
“PERSISTENT SYSTEMS” walk ins : JAVA, J2EE : Mumbai / Nagpur : On 22, 23 Jan 2011 Posted: 19 Jan 2011 05:49 AM PST Experienced Walk-In : Java/J2EE Developer / Lead @ Mumbai Job Position : Software Developer / Lead Job Category : IT / Software Job Location : Nagpur, Maharashtra No. of Openings : 25 Desired Education : B.E. / B. Tech / M.E. / M. Tech / M.S. in Comp. Sc / MCA or equivalent Desired Experience : 3 to 8 Years (Mandatory) Job Description : We are looking for dynamic Java/ J2EE professionals for our Nagpur Center, below mentioned are the details; • Continues to be hands on, in terms of coding Java/J2EE • Excellent knowledge of Java/J2EE, AJAX, Webservises, Spring, Hibernate, Struts • Responsible for understanding of the entire code base, architectural considerations, design and design decisions related to the project/product. • Responsible for deciding and standardizing on tools (IDE, profiling, CM, Defect Tracking, Build Management, etc) • Responsible for mentoring and coaching at least 5 – 7 Developers technically • Responsible for design of modules / sub systems using OOAD methodology in a project Desired Profile : • Candidate would be responsible for understanding of the entire code base, architectural considerations, design and design decisions related to the project/product. • Responsible for deciding and standardizing on tools (IDE, profiling, CM, Defect Tracking, Build Management, etc) Walk-In Date : On 22nd, 23rd January 2011 (Saturday, Sunday) : 9 AM – 6 PM Venue : Tunga Paradise, Mumbai Please send your updated resume to : ujwal_gajbhiye (at) persistent (dot) co (dot) in |
“POLARIS” : Oracle PLSQL : Hyderabad / Chennai :Walk-In Jan 2011 Posted: 19 Jan 2011 05:10 AM PST Polaris Software Lab Limited Experienced Walk-In : Oracle Professionals @ Hyderabad Job Position : Software Engineer Job Category : IT / Software Job Location : Chennai, Tamilnadu Desired Experience : 2 to 4 Years (Mandatory) Profile Description : Extensive knowledge on Unix, Oracle PL/SQL Candidates can directly walk-in to the below venue between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Walk-In Date : On 22nd, 23rd January 2011 (Saturday, Sunday) : 9 AM – 5 PM Venue : POLARIS SOFTWARE LAB LIMITED 203, Manikonda IT Park, Gacibowli Hyderabad – 500 019 Landmark – Behind Microsoft office Contact Number : +91-40-6692 3000 {source} |
Assam University Jobs of Faculty and Non-Faculty govt jobs Posted: 19 Jan 2011 04:56 AM PST Assam University
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